Friday 22 November 2013

Pigeon Valley

My cousin told me the other day that there was a nature reserve just 5minutes away from our place. I have been living with him for over two years and this was the first time I heard of this. So we decided that on a sunny Sunday afternoon we would go and explore. It really felt like we were not in glenwood but in some faraway magical forest.
Spotted, the Natal Elm.
This was our trek up and into the wilderness. I was sooo scared, I won’t lie. Even though it broad daylight you didn’t know what was in the bushes but we braved through it and had an interesting experience.

When I saw this I made a joke and said to my cousin that the arrow was telling us to go back and not go any further. Like one of those random signs in a scary movie that people ignore.

Soo worth it ,going  back there soon.

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